Drosera Paradoxa Flowers

Flower description

Inflorescence can reach 16″ inches height which can blossom up to 70 flowers.

The flowers are white or pink in color and sometimes have a red spot in the center.

Pollen is typically a deep red

The scape and the lower surface of the sepals are covered with white hairs.

In nature flowering occurs during the dry season, between July and September.

Drosera aff. paradoxa “orange flowers” Mount Bomford, Kimberley, W. A. Flower

Drosera aff. paradoxa 'Mount Bomford' Orange Flower

Drosera Paradoxa 'Drysdale River Station' (100 km north) Light Pink Flower

Drosera Paradoxa 'Drysdale River Station' (100 km north) White Flower

Drosera Paradoxa 'Drysdale River Station' (100 km north) Pink Flower

Drosera Paradoxa 'Drysdale River Station' (100 km north) Pink Flower

Drosera Aff. Paradoxa 'Theda' Flower

Drosera Aff. Paradoxa 'Theda' "swamp form" Flower

Drosera paradoxa Mount Bomford' Pink Flower

Drosera paradoxa 'Mount Bomford, Kimberley' Pink Flower