USD $19.99
Drosera Sundew Plant Food - Finally, after five years of developing and a full year of testing, we are excited to offer our liquid carnivorous plant food supplement (Drosera). This product was inspired by an idea to have a nutritious supplement that is very convenient and easy to use. This has been the primary source of nutrition for our Drosera petiolaris complex sundews for more than a year. The recommended dose for each Drosera plant is 1-2 drops every other week. 3 drops every other week can be used to promote flowering for many Drosera species.
* Prevents mold even with poor air circulation.
* Leaves traps in pristine condition
* Improves and boosts vegetative growth
* Promotes healthy roots
* Increased nutrition uptake from easy digestion
* Increases the rate of plant reproduction
* Easy and fast application
This liquid supplement is perfectly balanced nutrition for carnivorous plants (N, 99-121; P, 6-14.7; K, 1.5-31.8; Ca, 22.5; Mg, 0.94). This supplement is designed to increase the intake of both nitrogen + phosphate microelements.
Typical forms of feeding can lead to overstress of traps, especially if the insect is larger than the trap. Solid food larger than the trap can cause it to mold. Since it takes a lot of energy for a trap to digest food, the trap usually is destroyed from mold way before the trap was able to receive the nutrition it would have gained. Our supplement has a special blend of solid material to activate traps and enough liquid to keep traps healthy. One trap can be fed with this supplement many times before dying off due to the ease of this supplement's digestion.
There are approximately 1,075 drops per bottle.
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